Welcome to Blair Community Schools!
Welcome to NEW Student/Family Enrollment for Blair Community Schools! We are so happy to have you.
Your first step to becoming a Blair Bear is to enroll in our District. Blair Community Schools utilizes an online enrollment process to assist you in that task. Please click on the form below.
Online Enrollment for students in grades K-12
Once you submit the online enrollment, you must provide Proof of Residency* for the application process to be completed. Once the Administration Office processes the application, the school building that the student is attending will reach out to the family for a building visit. Anyone registering for Preschool must have prior approval. For more information, please contact Beth Villotta at 402.427.2734.
*Proof of Residency-two pieces of mail with your name at that address. These documents can be emailed or brought by our Administration Office, 1326 Park Street, Blair.
To update information on CURRENT students, or complete Student Verification, please select your school from the District homepage, choose Parents > Parent Information Portal > Website. If you have forgotten your Username or Password, please use the links provided on the website or contact your child's school for more assistance.
Nebraska Enrollment Option Program
Application is accepted at the Blair Central Office, 1326 Park Street., between September 1 - March 15. If after March 15, application must have the waiver signed (section 2) on the application from the child's resident school district.
Questions, please contact Angie Conety, angie.conety@blairschools.org or 402-426-2610.